It's 6:00am eastern daylight savings time and you're now standing in the middle of Dean Street, Albury, Australia, on Monday the 22nd of December, 1997.
The temperature is 14.4 degrees Celsius.
Barometric pressure is 1011.5 hectopascals
Average windspeed - 5.2Km/h; peaking at (last hour) - 22.2Km/h; from 240
degrees (west south west)
Relative humidity is 58%
Rainfall in ages - 0.0 (zilch, none, zero)
There's a mild chill in the morning air, a refreshing change to yesterday's 56Km/h gusty winds and 38.5 degrees Celsius heat. It's 3 shopping days to Christmas, but for now the streets and side-walks are quiet, traffic noises absent.
The sun is just rising over the eastern hills and a slight breeze wafts the aroma of fresh baking - hot current buns and coffee scrolls?? Yum!
Albury-Wodonga is one of Australia's largest rural inland centres, straddling the Murray River - Albury to the north and Wodonga to the south. We are 6 hours drive south-west of Sydney, 3 hours south-west of Canberra and 3 hours north-east of Melbourne.
The camera used is an Olympus D-200L (digital) mounted on a Slik tripod. 18 images captured at 640x480 pixel resolution, around a 360 degree circle - one every 20 degrees. The images were reduced by 50%, stitched together and colour matched. The panorama was created using the Quicktime free tools Make QTVR Panorama and saved cross platform using Movie Player.